Allow me to start with two questions:
- Do you love a good story?
- What are you doing on Sunday, November 3rd?
I recently became acquainted with a fellow parishioner who is a husband, father, teacher, former professional athlete, and masterful storyteller. During our time together, he had many impactful things to share about his life. From his daughter’s childhood battle with cancer, to a vocational call for a midlife career change, he compelled me to listen well. Of all that he shared, I want to pass along the delight he finds as he prepares to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation and First Holy Communion alongside his 2nd grade daughter. He shared of the treasure that lies in linking arms with his 8-year-old to learn the lessons of God’s love, mercy, and forgiveness. While contented to be in this time of growth and transformation, he also looks with anticipation toward the time when he and his daughter will walk to the altar – both for the first time – to receive God’s most Precious Body and Blood.
As I write this note from my office, I am taking in the sounds of our school children on the playground. I hear their fervor, their joy, and all the sounds that come with 15-minutes of freedom at morning recess. Soon the bell will ring, the whistle will blow, and like my fellow parishioner and his daughter, they will fall into the lessons that help lead them toward Jesus, our Good Shepherd.
There is no argument that of all the storytellers, Jesus does it best. Through His stories we learn the profound truths that He has written on the tablet of our hearts. As we go about the launch of our Family Faith Formation ministry on Sunday, November 3rd, I ask you to come to the Church at 12:30. I ask you to bring others to come and listen to the Great Storyteller. I ask you to help grow this new ministry by attending to yourself, and to those among us, who are longing to find delight in communion with God.
What are you doing on Sunday, November 3rd?
With Love,
Mary Hernandez, PA for Parish Life