Year of Discipleship – In Full Swing!

If there ever was a “Summer Break” around the Parish, it’s over now and things are back in full swing!  As you can tell from the video, we enjoyed food and fellowship at Parish Day and extend our thanks to the Knights of Columbus and Scout Troops 370 for making the day such a delicious success!  If you weren’t able to join us, we missed you and hope to see you next year.

Parish Day was also an opportunity for volunteers and catechists from each of our Ministries to provide more information and generate interest and participation within their Ministry.  If you didn’t have a chance to visit the tables, or hope to learn more about a specific Ministry, please feel free to reach out to me.  As always, we need all hands-on deck.

Speaking of Ministries and things being in “full swing”, our faith formation ministries are up and running!  At the current time, registrations are open for First Holy Communion, Confirmation, OCIA (formerly known as RCIA) and OCIC (formerly known as RCIC).  You can register for these formation classes on the Sacraments page of our website   and if you have any questions, you can contact our new Faith Formation Coordinator, Charles Bivens.  Registration is also open for adult formation such as That Man is You (TMIY) and Walking With Purpose Women’s Bible Study.  You can learn more and sign up on the Faith Formation page of our website.

If you are out and about tomorrow (Thursday, September 14th) stop by the Gym and dish yourself up a plate of Greg and the Crew’s Sausage & Sauerkraut for only 5 bucks!  It’s a well-known fact that I love Greg’s Sauerkraut above all sauerkraut this side of heaven.  I hope to see you there!

With Love,
