Called to Eucharistic Ministry & Adoration

Called to Eucharistic Ministry & Adoration

Dear Parishioners, Eucharistic Ministers and Those Being Called to Ministry:

In his 2003 letter, Pope John Paul II wrote that the Church draws her life from the Eucharist… the Eucharist stands at the center of the Church’s life.  The earliest images of the Church found the Acts of the Apostles, “devoting themselves to the breaking of the bread” (The Eucharist), and two thousand years later, we continue to pass down this devotion.  The thought of this, according to Pope John Paul II, “leads us to profound amazement and gratitude” and this “amazement should always fill the Church assembled for the celebration of the Eucharist”. 

You and I, as the – the laity- have been given the profound privilege of assisting the priest and deacons by holding the precious Body and Blood of our Lord in our hands and offering it to the faithful in the Eucharistic celebration of Mass. This honorable Ministry has rekindled the Eucharistic amazement of many, and the same privilege is offered to you.  Eucharistic Ministers at Our Lady of Lourdes parish minister not only by offering the Precious Body and Blood of our Lord at Mass, but also to those who are unable to join us at Mass due to age or illness. 

Turning back to the words of John Paul II in addressing Adoration of the Blessed Eucharist outside of Mass, he wrote: “In the Eucharist we have Jesus, we have His redemptive sacrifice, we have His resurrection, we have the gift of the Holy Spirit, we have adoration, obedience and love of the Father…In the humble signs of bread and wine, changed into His body and blood, Christ walks beside us as strength and our food for the journey, and He enables us to become, for everyone, witnesses of hope.”  Opportunities to contemplate, reflect, offer gratitude and fall deeper into Adoration of our Lord are offered at Our Lady of Lourdes parish throughout the week and we encourage you to take part.

To help rekindle the “Eucharistic amazement” to which John Paul II refers, let us come together and strengthen our knowledge of Eucharistic Ministry and Adoration.  This is an opportunity not only for those considering Eucharistic Ministry, but for ALL Eucharistic Ministers (even those who have been trained).  You will receive instruction and learn about changes being implemented within this Ministry.  Please plan to attend our Liturgical Ministry event on Sunday, September 15th following the 11 a.m. Mass.  We will meet at 12:15 in the Church for a brief prayer and orientation and then depart to different meeting spaces on campus. Orientation for Eucharistic Ministry will be led by Deacon David Robinson, orientation for Eucharistic Ministry to the Homebound will be led by Mary Hernandez, and orientation for Eucharistic Adoration will be led by Mary Shamrell. 

Please join us!

Deacon David Robinson, Mary Hernandez and Mary Shamrell