Dear Altar Servers

Dear Altar Servers

Dear Altar Servers,

You are, in fact, already apostles of Jesus!  When you take part in the Liturgy by carrying out your altar service, you offer a witness to all……The Eucharist is the source and summit of the bond of friendship with Jesus.  You are very close to Jesus in the Eucharist, and this is the most important sign of His friendship for each one of us.  Do not forget it.  -excerpts taken from Pope Benedict XVI (Address to Altar Servers, August 2, 2006)

Serving at the Altar is an honor!  While serving at the altar not only do you serve the priests and deacons, along with the people of God, but you serve Christ!  If you feel a calling to minister as an Altar Server, we encourage you to Ministry! 

Altar Servers are required to have made their First Holy Communion.  Young boys and girls are both welcome (and encouraged) to serve, as well as grown men and women.

Altar servers should be willing to become very familiar with the Mass, understanding why the Mass is important and what happens during Mass.  After your initial training, practices will be held (occasionally) for special Liturgies such as during Holy Week.  Duties of Altar Servers include:

  • Carrying the Cross during procession and recession
  • Carrying the Candles during procession and recession
  • Holding the Book for the priest
  • Carrying the incense and censer (as necessary)
  • Assisting the priests and deacons during the preparation of the gifts
  • Responding to prayers and dialogues of the priest and Mass, singing along with hymns and Mass parts.

Altar Servers should consider that serving at the altar is a serious responsibility.  Your commitment to arrive 15 minutes early to Mass, fulfill your ministry, and dedicate yourself in service to Christ and the Church is highly valued.

If you are interested in learning more about what it means to serve as an Altar Server and/or wish to be trained as a Server, please join us after the 11 a.m. Mass (in the Church) on Sunday, September 15th

We will be there to welcome you!

John Schissel, Holly McCann & Christie Walker