Dear Parishioners, Sacristans, Lectors & Those Called to Ministry

Over the past several weeks we’ve been highlighting the importance of each of our parish’s liturgical ministries, as we prepare for the Liturgical Ministry event on Sunday, September 15th.  This week we shift our focus toward two vital liturgical ministries:  Sacristans and lectors. 

For those who may be unaware, a sacristan has been on duty at every Mass we’ve attended and has made our time together more meaningful and prayerful.  Sacristans do everything from unlocking doors and turning on lights, to readying the Holy Eucharist for the celebration of Mass.  Sacristans set up the altar, ensure the lectionary and lector books are in place, and assist altar servers and liturgical ministers along the way.  The care and preparation that sacristans provide is an extraordinary gift of ministry to the entire Church, and we owe our gratitude.  At the current time we need more sacristans at each of our three Mass times.  Please take some time between now and September 15th to discern ministering as a sacristan. 

Like sacristans, lectors minister to the entire congregation.   By proclaiming Sacred Scripture during the Liturgy of the Word, lectors help us to understand and encounter God’s message to us.  Lectors participate actively in the Church’s mission by evangelizing and teaching through their proclaiming of the Word.  As stated in the General Instruction of the Roman Missal, “When the Sacred Scriptures are read in the Church, God Himself speaks to His people, and Christ, present in His Word, proclaims the Gospel”.  While this ministry does require some dedication and preparation, it also helps to enrich the faith of not only the lector, but all the faithful.  Whether you are considering becoming a lector, or already serve, we offer our gratitude to you.

The Holy Mass, our most sacred prayer, is made even more meaningful because of the participation of all the faithful congregation.  As we continue to renew our understanding of all the liturgical ministries within the Church, may we be open to the Spirit’s invitation to draw us closer to each other and to Him.

With Love & Gratitude,

Mary Hernandez

Pastoral Assistant for Parish Life