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Prepares Pregnancy and Parenting Support


Our Mission

PREPARES is a nurturing response of the Catholic community, open to all, to provide meaningful, local and sustainable support to vulnerable Washington mothers, fathers, and families as they nurture their children through pregnancy and early childhood. Our vision is that a vulnerable mom or family can come to any Catholic parish in the state and be served.

“The family is the heart of the culture of life.”

Pope Francis


PREPARES is a statewide initiative of the Catholic Bishops of Washington State which was launched in October of 2014 at the Cornerstone Conference sponsored by the Washington State Catholic Conference. The four Bishops of the state announced that their new initiative would support parishes to outreach and accompany pregnant women and families under the age of five.  When PREPARES was created, the hope was that by building a collective network of parishes led by parishioners working in conjunction with Catholic Charities we could reach more families who have been left on the margins. With each succeeding year, PREPARES has consistently expanded the network of active parishes and their outreach to families in need.

How We Work

PREPARES offers a wide range of support to pregnant women and families with children up to the age of five that are free of charge and open to people of all faiths and backgrounds. PREPARES is parish-based comprised of a collaborative network of volunteers. We address essential needs and develop supportive, nurturing relationships that walk the journey with families within our communities.