Dear Friends,

On June 27th, 1971, I was baptized right here at Our Lady of Lourdes.  At 41 days old, I don’t remember a word Fr. Hayatsu spoke, but I am forever grateful that he anointed me to serve as priest, prophet, and king – sharing in Christ’s mission.  Like Esther of the Old Testament, I was born “for such a time as this”.  A time when the laity (you and me) are called, equipped and invited to carry the Gospel. I mean it when I say that my greatest joy in life has been walking alongside each of you on our journey toward the fulfillment of God’s kingdom.

Our Lady of Lourdes parish is filled with diversity, but united in purpose.  Each of us exercises our baptismal call to be priest, prophet, and king in the ways we show the faith, hope, and charity the Holy Spirit wrote on our hearts.  Being “born for such a time as this” reminds us that Christ, and the Church, rely on us to carry the Gospel by participating in the Liturgy.

Mass is our highest form of prayer, and this note is sent with an invitation and hope that you will help fill a need for Liturgical Ministers.  We are significantly short of altar servers, sacristans, and participation in Eucharistic Adoration.  In addition, we could use a boost with Eucharistic ministry at Masses, as well as to the homebound.  To assist in filling this need, I am inviting you (on behalf of the parish) to attend a Liturgical Ministry Event on Sunday, September 15th following the 11 a.m. Mass.  We will gather in the Church for a quick overview and prayer, then head off to individual locations on campus where you can be trained in the following ways:

  • Eucharistic Ministry at Mass – Training by Deacon David Robinson
  • Eucharistic Ministry to the Homebound – Training by Mary Hernandez
  • Sacristans – Training by Jim Kay
  • Adoration- Training by Mary Shamrell
  • Lectors – Training by Tim Shamrell
  • Greeters – Training by Linda Meade
  • Altar Servers – Training by John Schissel, Holly McCann & Christie Walker
  • Ushers – Training Lead To Be Determined

I would not be successful at lectoring but would make a decent greeter.  I say this with a recognition that we all have our gifts.  The next four weeks leading up to the Liturgical Ministry event, I will be sending detailed information about each of the Liturgical Ministries listed above.  Take a look at what it means to participate in these ministries, and pray about how you may (or may not) be a good fit. 

As always, I send this note with love and gratitude for you.  I look forward to ministering with each of you as we walk the trail and seek ways to glorify God!

I’ll be in touch…and give me a shout if you need something.

Mary Hernandez

PA for Parish Life